Monday, May 13, 2013

Trouble in Moth World

Here's my final project for character design class! We had to design a hero, a villain, a minion, and a mentor for a "fish out of water" esque story.

 Astronaut Jeff is a space cartographer that crash-lands on Moth Planet. All the moth people want him to kill the evil queen, which is kind of a problem as he is a strict pacifist.

Queen Velrusa is also a foreigner to Moth Planet, having arrived there many years prior as her first stop towards her conquest of the galaxy. She slowly gathering resources to build an unstoppable army, but until then she has been subjugating the local moth people. Feared for her vicious attitude, Velrusa has a predisposition toward violence.

 Hawkley is Queen Velrusa's right hand moth-person. He's a brute and not very smart, but is pretty good at doing Velrusa's dirty work. He never does a job completely right though, and its a wonder that Velrusa still puts up with him.

King Radley was the old ruler of Moth Planet before Velrusa arrived and usurped him. He now lives as an exile in the wilds, evading capture from Velrusa's followers and occasionally starting a ruckus. Pretty spry for an old moth guy, King Radley is a trickster at heart and wise beyond his moth years. He later lends Astronaut Jeff some choice advice about resisting peer pressure and standing by your morals.