Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm really bad at updating regularly

So here's something I turned in today for perspective for game art:

One of the things I've learned this semester is that color is actually really hard and black and white is a lot less hard.

Anyway here are some thumbnails for that image:

Gino did a very informative paintover. Gonna add those improvements later! For now, more homework...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break!

We had the week off at LCAD, which I spent being ridiculously unproductive.

This is what I have so far for the cactus model for my maya final. I'm going to go back and work on the body more (like the arm) after I finish the face.

I did the face separate so I could mirror it. I'm thinking about working out the edge flow and the toomanysided polygons after I've placed the features, but I'm going to admit I don't really know what I'm doing here. I should reference an actual face, for starters...

Also I've been working on animating this guy look at stuff excitingly and then disappointingly, which is mostly why I haven't been updating as often.

I also need to work on perspective homework, but I'm still fishing around for a good idea.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

this is a little ridiculous

My Maya animation will look a thousand times more stiff and terrible, if I even get that far. But this is the ~spirit of the idea~

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

taking a break from rigging to give you this important annoucement

Making facial expressions was kind of a hassle to do but was it worth it???


Monday, March 7, 2011

More Homework

Wait... That isn't homework at all.

Here's progression on that model for Fund. Game Art. I have all the bones named, linked, in the proper places, and arranged nicely in schematic view, so now there doesn't seem to be anything else I can waste my time on besides actually weighing verticies. I'll start on that tomorrow, because I probably should work more on those perspective sketches for perspective class.

Oh, and I guess I'm okay with how the texture is now. Here's a render.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fund. Maya and Fund. Game Art

Our final for Fundamentals of Maya is going to be some sort of animation. My idea so far is going to be animating an angry cactus walking hopping around. He'll look something like this, except less pointy, and I'll probably not model it in Maya. (shh!)

It seems like it'll be pretty simple to model and rig. I don't know about the animation part, though, but hopefully I'll get it done in time.

On the flipside, we've been working on a creature model in Fundamentals of Game Art for the last few weeks. Last week we finished texturing, and the rigging part needs to be done by class on Wednesday. After spring break we get to the group project and that sounds like great fun.

The class so far is a really speedy crash course on the modeling. It goes too fast to get the model/texture/etc to a refined point, but I think it's just intended to give you a sense of the process. The real stuff goes down in the other classes.

Anyway up there is the design for my creature! It's some sort of mix between Mike from Monsters Inc and a Strider/Hunter from Half-Life 2. Here are some renders:

I'm not too happy with the texture, so I'm probably going to redo that at some point.

art blaugh

I think its about time I stop being a big cowardly baby about my art and start attributing it to my name! Someone might want to see it. oh no now i'm going to show up on google

To start with, here's the targeted illustration final from Composition & Color last semester:

We had to have a spiraling composition leading the eye to a focal point in a specific part of the image. It was turned in half-finished due to art finals madness, but I finished it later during the winter break.